Jumat, 18 Desember 2015

lowongan kerja Web Developer sosbrand media

SOSBrand Media is a collection Web & Print design specialists that focus on crafting good communication for brands who wants a strong presence in the digital era.
SOSBrand Media proudly serves clients across the globe mainly in the US & Indonesia, such as; PT. Sarana Global Finance Indonesia, PT. Kurnia Jedine Sejahtera, PT. Tembakau Djajasakti Sari, PT. Tri Adi Putera and La Vigna Limited.
SOSbrand media

  • Posisi Lowongan Kerja: Web Developer
Persyaratan Umum :
  1. lulusan D3
  2. Pria, Wanita
  3. Berpengalaman dibidangnya, dan Teliti
  4. Full-Time position available 
Nomor Telepon :  031 2899 7060

Fasilitas atau Benefit:
  • Gaji Pokok, Bonus Insentif

Kisaran Gaji : Rp. 3 000 000
alamat perusahaan : Sinarmas Land Plaza lt.13. Jl Pemuda 60-70

Batas waktu lamaran :  01/03/2016